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My stomach is acting much better than it did. I think that it might be a good idea for you to have a bottle of Pancreobismuth and Pepsin on hand to take after dinner or whenever your stomach was troubling you. 

13 Pomeworth St., Stoneham, Mass.,
October 23, 1931

Dear Folks, 

Friday night is here again. This morning I was feeling cold, but Mr. Pettengill got up such a fire that by eleven o'clock I had to begin opening windows, and now I am sitting here with both of mine wide open, one in the room behind me, the one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom, to say nothing of the door to the attic and all the downstairs openings. For once I am very happy — plenty of air and heat at the same time.

I think of you folks and your nice heater. It seems to me that after you get used to it, it will be like getting the electric lights in, — you wouldn't want to go back to the old way. 

I saw a bird bath to-day that I think would be easy to make. The lower part seemed to be made of large pipe such as small sewer pipe or small gas funnel, and the upper part of an inverted ash case cover. These could be used in themselves or as moulds for cement, I should think. Perhaps we can make one some day. 

Transcription Notes:
The name for Mr.Pettengill might be incorrect, as I had trouble distinguishing the letter in between the e & the g. The name of the bottle of medicine that she recommends is very hard to transcribe.