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Transcription: [00:12:39]
{SPEAKER name="Aaron Henry"}
And perhaps the one in Hattiesburg the other night
Wherein the police of the city set off their sirens and the firemen came into the house
looking around as if they thought there were a fire
and they stood inside with their fire regalia
to intimidate the crowd and as we announced to them there as we say tonight
that there certainly is a fire going on, gentlemen
*crowd agrees*
{SPEAKER name="Aaron Henry"}
but water won't put it out.


{SPEAKER name="Aaron Henry"}
And then last night in Biloxi,
as the Reverand R.L.T. Smith, who is a member of our executive committee,
spoke in behalf of the Freedom Campaign ticket, and to have the house surrounded by a white mob,
infiltrated with several members of the Biloxi police department
and to have the house pelted with rocks and steel pieces and iron
to an extent that today there is not a window left on the back bay mission
where the banquet was held.
And to have the police there, looking on, condoning this kind of activity
And to observe those who they arrested, bringing them back through the mob,
So their cars could be pelted again with rocks and windows broken
And eggs thrown at them
Now, these kinds of demonstrations
Say certainly a lot to us
The thing that I think they say most clearly