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Transcription: [00:03:36]

{SPEAKER name= "Speaker 2"}
Okay, all the people who have not cast your freedom dollars,there is a table that is sitting right over here, with the ballots beside it that you may cast your freedom dollars there. Bob Gore is here in this house and now we are going to have a few words from Mr. Bob Gore who is with the Public Relations Department of the Congress of Racial Equality.

(Crowd cheers and applause)

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Bob Gore is just coming back from Yazoo City where he has been held at by the Yazoo Police Department and also by the highway patrol there, so let's all give him a big hand!

(Crowd claps and cheers)

{SPEAKER name="Robert B. Gore"}
Fellow freedom fighters, I never thought the day would come when I say I'm glad to be in Mississippi, but that day has come, and the reason it has come is because you have decided that you are tired of this foolishness that people like Paul Johnson and Ross Barnet and Rubel Phillips are pulling open your eyes.

(Crowd Claps and cheers)

{SPEAKER name="Robert B. Gore"}
I have never in my life engaged in politics before, but I'm so happy that I can almost cry that I was asked to come here and take part in the campaign to elect Aaron Henry governor of Mississippi and Ed Keen Lt. Governer.

(Crowd Claps and cheers)
{SPEAKER name="Robert B. Gore"}
Just before I left New York, I happened to read the New York Post. And James Wexler in an editorial was saying "I have heard that there is a mock election going on in Mississippi for Aaron Henry and Ed King." But little do people like Ross Barnett know, that the real mock election is the Johnson and Phillips election.

(Crowd claps and cheers)
{SPEAKER name="Robert B. Gore"}
I agree with him 100%. It's like Dave was saying a few minutes ago, all they can get out of their mouth is who hates negros the most. And there are more things in Mississippi they need to be talking about if they want your vote. And I say that anybody, any thinking negro, or any thinking white person in Mississippi who is foolish enough to waste his vote on Paul Johnson or Rupert Phillips doesn't need a vote.

(Crowd claps and cheers)
{SPEAKER name="Robert B. Gore"}
Now, the Aaron King, Ed Keen platform has talked not about who hates white folks the most. How could it? Ed King is a white Methodist-