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263 Auburn St.  Auburndale
November 21, 1944.

Dear Mrs.  Holmes:

At last I am getting around to writing you!  I peeked in the envelope where you sent my check, hopeing you had tucked a note in, but didn't find one.  I suppose your eyes are bothering you and that it is hard for you to write.

I was down to have dinner with Barbara and John Hollis one night weeks and weeks ago, but have not written them either.  I don't know why it is so almost impossible for me to get from her since I was out to see you in August. 

I hope you and Mrs. Barry are well and will have a happy Thanksgiving. I halfway thought I might get out to see you, but doubt I shall - and then, of course, the government is discouraging travel at this time.

I am still muddling along. I wish I could zip things through, but guess I am not so young as I used to be. Have I written you since Mrs. Ott's death? She and her sister were out one Sunday and she died suddenly a week from the following Tues. a. m.- just after midnight - a ruptured heart and other heart trouble. [[?]] is in service training in New Jersey. I went in to the funeral. [[?]] is cold and rainy? I am going to scribble a few other notes and go out to mind them.

Lots of love to you and Mrs. Barry
