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back before it came on. But didn't
it come with a vengeance then? The
house here is placed high anyway
and then is built tall besides. It 
shook in good shape. To-day I 
noticed cracks in one of my walls,
but they may have been there before,
I am not sure. I am glad you
have the oil heat. I thought of you
when the wind was howling and was
glad to think that you could keep good
and warm.
I got a letter from Doris. I 
guess she is a little worried about Sid.
She can't seem to fatten him up at all.
She enclosed a little letter from Daisier
which she wrote all by herself. I thought
that it was very well done. I wish
well to Doris now and acknowledge
the presents she sent me.
Bernice caught a cold from
Bunny, which she brought home from
school, and Bernice herself developed
the grippe from it, so Theodore and 
Bunny wrote me. She tries to do too
much for her strength. I wish both