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potatoes, onions, baked squash in the shell, red cabbage cooked in the German manner - a great delicacy - celery, cranberry sauce, celeriac salad, fruit salad - the canned fruits already prepared - küchen, a kind of German bread her sister-in-law bought, a frosted applesauce cake her sister brought, loganterry tapioca, coffee, grapes - her sister brought - nuts, candy: chocolate peppermints she herself had, hard bottled candy her sister-in-law brought, and a peanut brittle Miss Meigs brought. 

I ate a lot of things but not everything. Then I came home and returned to an even more restricted diet than before. Now I am eating [[?]], cereal, rice, orange juice, strained tomato and toast, milk, and buttermilk, cottage or cream cheese and, sometimes, a little potato. I am feeling better, but I am still passing quantities of mucus and have a burning in my mouth a good deal. 

Well, we are at our shortest days at night. On the sixteenth we gain a minute on that end of the day, though the mornings will continue to grow short until well into Jan. I am glad that you don't have to get up early now. You can wait until daylight any way.

Much love and all good wishes, 