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15 Keene Street, Stoneham, Mass.,
July 20, 1934

Dear Mrs. Holmes,

I got your good letter the first of the week, Monday I think it was. I was glad that you had had such a good visit with Doris. Didn't she have to go back sooner than she expected? I thought that she planned to stay until after the ninth. Did she get much work done at Cambridge, and did she go to the Alpha Delta Pi Convention? Jimmie wrote me to know if I wanted to come in to the station and help welcome delegates the Sunday morning after I moved Saturday P.M. Of course she didn't know anything about my moving. I thought that perhaps I could make it, but I was tired cut and it was dreadfully warm, so I stayed here and enjoyed the comfort of what breezes there were on this hill and the piazzas and out in the yard. I wish that you could get another ride out to see me. You would like it here, I think. I don't know where I am going this fall after Mr. Herrick comes back, however. I have been thinking that I might sell off my overstuffed set and what other furniture I could and go south for the winter, but I suppose that is only a fish dream as usual. 

I don't know what is the matter with Elizabeth. I haven't heard from her since I came back from her house. I have written her a long letter and a postal, and sent some paint for their automobile. She usually is much better about writing than I am. I hope that she is not sick. 

I, too, wish that Doris and her family would come up here to live. They would enjoy it up here better than down there, and you really need them now you are alone. You wouldn't mind the confusion so much now that you don't have to worry about Mr. Holmes' minding the noise. I do wish that they would come. Sidney could work up here doing something. Anyway I think they have enough money to now retire on. If they wait much longer they will be too old to get any good cut of what they have. Even if they began to draw on their principal, and they wouldn't have to for some time, it would last for a long time, they are so frugal. I wish that they would take the chance. Probably they would soon find some other source of income that they would enjoy. I shall be glad when they come for their vacation anyway. 

I went up to see Ruth White Wyatt just before I started for New Hampshire. I think that I shall get around to go up again sometime when the weather gets cooler. I wonder if Maud's little plant lived?

Twice I have dreamed that I was everlastingly fighting Mr. MacLam, scratching his face with a comb and generally getting the best of him. Last night I dreamed that I pushed him out of his bed on top of her and mauled him in good shape. If only I were really doing so much, the poor man would need somebody's pity.
Take good care of yourself. Good wishes to Mrs. Osgood, and love to you,

Transcription Notes:
I'm not sure if I formatted this right