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Dear Mrs. Holmes,
I intended to write you a letter today in answer to the good one you wrote me; but it is getting so late now that I guess that I had better just write this to let you know that I am getting along well, and then try to write a letter later. I have been negotiating this week for that house that I asked Ralph to look at when you were out here. I don’t know whether or not I shall get it finally.
This afternoon Aunt Maud and Iva were over, and soon after they left Miss Morton came in for a call. She is going back to Maine tomorrow. Now she has just left and I want to get ready to go up town before the stores close. As it is rainy, I thought that I had better write just this and take it with me to save going out later with a letter, which I could not very well write now before the stores close. I hope you are both well. Glad Doris got a chance to go to the White House. Love, Lena