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May 5, 1933

Dear Folks,

It is Friday night again. The weeks do whirl around, don't they?

I was pleased, as I always am, to get your letters.

Too bad, you lost your geraniums and tomato plants. You will buy some of the latter though, won't you; or will you try to plant more seed now yourself? We certainly have had a lot of cold weather. I hated to think of your being without a warm house. It must seem good to have the weather warm so that you won't need much heat inside. 

You have had quite a number of visitors lately. I am glad. How did you find Anna Lamb? I think you wrote in the winter that she was dying of consumption. 

The robins seem to be doomed. Did Mr. Holmes know about the cats getting at the nest? I hope not, for such things upset him so much. It is too bad that you can't get out oftener. I wish that I were near enough to run in and visit with you every once in a while. Do Maud and Ralph get over often the way they used to? Mr. Holmes did enjoy them. How is Jim Capen? Does he come now?