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A year ago now Mrs. Andrew died. Did I tell you that I saw him in town the time I was in several weeks ago? He was in the ten-cent store. We had a long chat. He had been ill at Christmas. In fact he was ill until the latter part of January, and so were all the other members of the household with one or two exceptions, although they got better than he did. He is looking much better than he did last June when I was out. I really feel now that he is taking her death more rationally. He wanted to give me something "for her sake", as he felt she would have done had she been living, so he sent me a check for $25.00. I wrote and told him that she usually gave me no more than $5.00. He had written that she would probably wish to do much more were she with us, but that even she would be restrained from doing so as things are.

I have been off for some walks. The other day I got 2 blood root plants & brought home. Mrs. Pettengill planted them in her garden, but I almost doubt if they will grow. The place I get them has been all cut off. I used to love to go there - columbines,  hens & chickens, wild lily of the valley, blood root, etc. Now a mass of destruction!

Best of wishes to you both!
Love, Lena.