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get it, I not only suffer from the cold but promptly develop cold sores and sometimes sore throat and a cold..

It is beautiful outside today. I plan to write a letter to Berenice too and then go up town to the post office. I will seem good to get out.

I do wish that Mr. Holmes would go out into the little house, but if he want, he wish, of course. Are you having dandelion greens now?

Lots of love to you both,


good time riding home. The next morning, however, when her grandmother asked her to go to ride with her in the Dodge, she replied, "I had a very nice ride in it yesterday, but I think I should like to stay at home this morning."

She told me yesterday that the Dodge was wobbly.

Yesterday afternoon we were uptown again, and again her grandfather come up, but this time in the big