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to maturity, but I don't know. The snow is covered under the trees with the outside coverings of the buds. 

Little Edith is still here, and just loves to get upstairs with me. To-night I have heard her romping with her Uncle Gordon downstairs. Miss Garland didn't gave to go to school yesterday on account of the storm, and of course to-day is Good Friday, so she is home. To-morrow, if all goes well, she will go in 


to class and to a club meeting, and I shall be glad. Sunday she will perhaps go to church and so will be away for a while, and I look forward to her absence as to a blessing. 

How are you both feeling now? I was glad that you were feeling better when you wrote last time. Of course your nerves must be upset. Just think, Mr. Holmes has been sick almost 2 years now. Anyone less calm than