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Madison Oct 7th 1868
Rev. E.A. Ware
Dear Sirs
I am sorry to trouble you again. But I may have done Injustice to Rev. Allen Clark etc in what I said in my last to you.  I Gave you the Exact words of my Informant neither more or less; and he,one who certainly should not have misrepresented him; But through information received from another person who was present (Both white persons) I am led to believe that an unfavorable construction was put upon what he said & the meaning thereof.  If therefore, the Asertion the '" We want none of Mr. Wares Pets here; made any Impression upon your mind [[crossed out]] [[illegible]] [[/crossed out]] could be [[reworded?]] as I would be very sorry to do him Injustice and wish him to have the benefit of any doubt.
Verry Truly
E [[Heyser?]]