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[[21 columned table]]
| Date. | Name of Male. | Place of Residence. | Name of Female. | Place of Residence. | MALE. Age-Years. | MALE. Color. | MALE. Color of Father. | MALE. Color of Mother. | MALE. Lived with another Woman. Years. | MALE. Separated by. | MALE. No. of Children by Previous Connection. | FEMALE. Age-Years. | FEMALE. Color. | FEMALE. Color of Father. | FEMALE. Color of Mother. | FEMALE. Lived with another Man. Years. | FEMALE. Separated by. | FEMALE. No. of Children by Previous Connection. | No. of Children Unitedly. | Name of Officiating Minister. and Witnesses. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1864. April 22 | Thomas Cunegan | Vicksburg, Miss. | Arrena Jones | Vicksburg, Miss. | 26 | Mulo | Mulo | Mulo | 3 | Force |   | 24 | Blk | Blk | Blk | 2 | Death |   | 1 | B.F. Morgan Annie Morgan |

| April 24 | Jacob Cook | Vicksburg, Miss. | Annie Isabelle | Vicksburg, Miss. | 55 | Blk | Blk | Blk | 4 | Consent | 7 | 42 | Mixed | Mixed | Mixed | 5 | Force | 7 | 2 | B.F. Morgan Nick Wilson |

| May 1 | Thomas Clarkston | Cairo, Ill. | Melissa Clarkston | Cairo, Ill. | 20 | Blk | Blk | Blk |   |   |   | 30 | Blk | Blk | Blk |   | Death | 1 | 0 | James A. Hawley W.W. Kennedy |

| May 2 | Peter Croote | Warren Co., Miss. | Kitty | Warren Co., Miss | 68 | Blk | Blk | Blk | 8 | Force | 4 | 55 | Blk | Blk | Blk | 3 | Force | 2 |   | Joseph Warren Charles Warren |

| May 15 | Samuel Carter | Vicksburg, Miss. | Lavinia Morrison | Vicksburg, Miss. | 35 | Blk | Blk | Blk | 9 | Death |   | 36 | Blk | Blk | Blk | 12 | Death |   | 1 | B.F. Morgan Joseph Graves |

| May 16 | William Coleman | E, 53d U.S.C.I. | Elizabeth | Claiborne Co. Miss. | 28 | Blk | Blk | Blk |   |   |   | 26 | Blk | Blk | Blk |   |   |   | 3 | Joseph Warren L.D. Warren |

| May 17 | Joseph Collins | B. 48th. U.S.C.I. | Polly Collins | Vicksburg, Miss. | 26 | Blk | Blk | Blk |   |   |  | 25 | No Color reported. | No Color reported. | No Color reported. |   |   |   |   | Thomas Calahan Madison Hunter |

| May 20 | Charles Courcy | H. 48th U.S.C.I. | Mahala Courcy | Talchula, Miss. | 49 | Blk | Blk | Blk | 4 | Force | 2 | 43 | Blk | Blk | Blk |   |   |   | 2 | Thomas Calahan  Thomas Kelly |

| May 20 | Preston Caldwell | Steamer Autocrat | Georgiana Smith | Steamer Fairchild | 30 | 3/4 Blk | Blk | Mulo |   |   |   | 27 | Blk | Blk | Blk | 9 | Death | 1 |   | Joseph Warren Minnie Johnson |

| May 22 | David Cunningham | Vicksburg, Miss. | Harriet Guess | Helena, Ark. | 29 | Blk | Blk | Blk | 6 | Force | 3 | 22 | Blk | Blk | Blk | 3 |   |   | 2 | G.E. Skaggs. Charles Bogan |

| May 26 | George Carpinter | Warren Co., Miss. | Mary Grant | Warren Co., Miss. | 30 | Mixed | Mixed | Mixed | 1 1/2 | Force |   | 24 | Mixed | White | Mixed |   |   |   |   | James Peet A.S. Vincent |

| May 28 | Eli Crawford ✓ | B, 48th U.S.C.I. | Mary Crawford | Vicksburg, Miss. | 51 | Blk | Blk | Blk |   |   |   | 40 | Blk | Blk | Blk |   |   |   | 7 | Thomas Calahan James Wilder |

| May 28 | Doctor Carter | Louisville, Ky. | Dora Carter | Natchez, Miss. | 22 | Blk | Blk | Blk |   |   |   | 18 | 3/4 Blk | Blk | Mulo |   |   |   |   | G.E. Skaggs Gabriel Richardson |

| May 28 | James Christmas | Brushy Brier, La. | Queen Esther Anderson | Brushy Brier, La. | 43 | Mixed | Mixed | Mixed |   |   |   | 35 | Mixed | Mixed | Mixed |   |   |   | 2 | James Peet Wm. F. Fisher |

| May 30 | Henry Carter | Tensas Par., La. | Louisa Lindsay | Claiborne Co., Miss. | 35 | Blk | Blk | Blk | 16 | Death | 5 | 20 | Mixed | Blk | Mixed | 5 | Death | 4 |   | James Peet John A. Davis Edmund T. Havens. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-08 20:21:28