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In testimony whereof, The said parties have affixed their names to this agreement, at [[strikethrough]] [[Mor Builth??]], State of Mississippi on the day and date aforesaid.

[5 column Table]
Names. | Age. | Sex. | Class. | Rate of Wages |

Lewis his X Ferris | 60 | Male | No. 3| [[L. N.?]] [[Receive]] their clothes

Leon her x Ferris | 70 | Female | No. 3 | [[Boad??]] at medical attendance

Daniels his x Ferris | 51 | Male | No. 3 | and to support their

Maryanne her x Ferris | 35 | Female | No. 1 | Children in the present year of 1865

[[bottom left]] Witness Jas. J. Jordan
[[Pen]] A. B. Foster [[Jr.]]

[[bottom right]] (Leal) of H Ferriss

A.B. Foster
[[?]] Pro. [[?]] Freedman
Yazoo City Miss.