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them and will be deducted from their portion of the crop. And lastly it is agreed to by the parties of the second part that the head or heads of each family shall sign for their children and dependents to this contract by stating the number opposite their names. It is expressly understood and agreed to by the parties of the second part that the contract above embraces all indebtedness for work and labor done by them up to the 25th of December 1865.

In testimony whereof, the said parties have affixed their names to this agreement at Davis Whitfield’s plantation State of Mississippi on the day and date aforesaid.

[[5 columned table]] 
| Names | Age | No of Dependents | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Martin his mark x | 40 | 5 | Good hand 1st Class |
| Eliza her mark x | 40 |   | Martin's wife Invalid, no value |
| Peter his mark x | 22 |   | Invalid  Hostler|
| Joe Rhodes his mark x | 25 | 2 | Fair hand |
| Simon his mark x | 35 | 2 | Common hand, Bad tempered |
| Philis her mark x | 45 |   | Common hand, Bad tempered |
| Robert his mark x | 18 |   | Fair hand |
| Bob his mark x | 12 |   | Fair hand |
| Hannah Adkins his mark x | 52 |   | Invalid no value |
| Lary his mark x | 61 |   | Invalid no value | 
| Emmerline his mark x | 48 |   | Good hand |
| Wesley his mark x | 56 | 5 | Good hand |
| Easter her mark x | 35 |   |  Good hand  wife of Wesley |
| Luke his mark x | 18 |   |  Good hand |
| Emma her mark x | 15 |   |  Good hand |
| Ellick his mark x | 35 | 1 |  Good hand |
| Caty her mark x | 30 |   |  Good hand Ellick's wife |
| Jerry his mark x | 35 |   | Fair Good hand |
| Hannah Chaney her mark x | 35 |   | Good hand  Jerry's wife |
[[/5 columned table]] 

Transcription Notes:
Edited. David Whitfield, not Whitefield. That is "Do" under the word "Good", and means "Ditto". We are to type what word it refers to. In this case, Good, and then "ditto marks" for hand.