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62 135.
J Rollin
[[righthand margin]]16 Blissim &c. [[best guess]] Bostin Mass. [[/righthand margin]]
25 Shoe 
$25 salmon
100 sardin
25 papir
50 --
50 diary
75 [[?]]
375 - 7
38 gloves
12 stamps
= 5 -

Illuminated Diary For 1868 Published By Taggard & Thompson, 
No. 29 Cornhill, Boston.

Transcription Notes:
Update: left-page text is transcribed above Please transcribe handwritten text on inside cover (left side). 62 135 F. Rollin 25 [[?]] 16 Blessenville [[street name?]] 25 [[?]] Boston 100 [[?]] Mass 25 [[?]] 25 [[?]] 50 [[?]] 50 [[?]] 75 [[underline]][[?]] 375 7 38 stores 12 stamps 15 125 [[underline]] [[?]] [[?]] 190