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                   UNITED STAMP DUTIES
MANIFEST, for custom house entry or clearance of 
   vessel's cargo for foreign port, (except to British
    North America,)tonnage not over 300 tons..... 1.00
       Over 300 and not over 600 tons............ 3.00
       Over 600 tons............................. 5.00

MORTGAGE, Trust Deed, or Personal Bond, for the
   payment of money, over $100 and not over $500   .50
Every add'l $500, or part thereof, 50 cents more. 
Upon each assignment or transfer of a mortgage, a 
    stamp duty equal to the upon a mortgage for the
    amount remaining unpaid.

TRUST DEED conveying estate to uses, to be stamped as a conveyance.

ORDER for the payment of money. -See Bank Check.

PASSAGE TICKET, to foreign port, (except British 
      North America, ) costing $35 or less.......  .50
        Over $35 and not over $50................ 1.00
Every add'l $50, or part thereof, $1 more.

PAWNERS' CHECKS..................................  .50

POWER OF ATTORNEY, to sell or transfer any stock, bond, or scrip, or for the collection of any       dividend, or interest thereon..............................  .25
To vote by proxy for officers of any corporation or
   society, (except religious, charitable, literary
    societies, or public cemeteries,)............  .10
To sell or rent real estate...................... 1.00
To collect rents.................................. .25
To perform any act not herein mentioned........... .50

    value of estate not over $2,000............... 1.00
Every add'l $1,000, or part thereof, 50 cents more.

PROMISSORY NOTE. -See Bill of Exchange, Inland.

PROTEST, of note, check, draft, &e................  .25

RECEIPT, for payment of money or debt, over $20,
     not being for the satisfaction of any mortgage or     
     judgement, and for the delivery of property,
     (except receipts issued by persons, firms or 
     companies doing business as an express, or express 
     company, on the delivery or property for 
     transportation).............................   .02


PROPRIETARY, Medicines, Perfumery, Cosmetics,
    Preparations, &c., each package retailed at not 
    over 25 cents.................................   .01
       Over 25 cents and not over 50 cents........   .02
       Over 50 cents and not over 75 cents........   .03
       Over 75 cents and not over $1..............   .04
Every add'l 50 cents, or part thereof, 2 cents more.

FRICTION MATCHES, or lucifer , or other 
     articles made in part of wood, and used for like 
     purposes, each package of 100 matches or part
     thereof......................................   .01

Packages of more than 100 matches, for each 100 
      or part thereof.............................   .01

CIGAR LIGHTS, made in part of wood, wax, glass, paper
    or other materials, in packages containing
    twenty-five lights or less, each package.....    .01
Every additional twenty-five lights or part thereof,
     1 cent more.

PLAYING CARDS, for and upon every pack, not exceeding
    fifty-cards in number, irrespective of price or 
    value........................................    .05

       The indiscriminate use of all kinds of stamps (except postage or proprietary) is permitted, care being taken to affix a stamp or stamps of the proper amount.
       Documents made in any foreign country, to be used in the United States, shall pay the same duty as when made here.
       Powers of Attorney, or other papers relating to applications for bounties, arranges of pay, or pensions, require no stamp; rant of attorney accompanying a bond or note when such bond be secured by mortgage, but one stamp duty places thereon is the highest rate required for said instrument, or either of them.
       The person using or affixing the stamp or stamps, shall write thereupon the initials of his name and the date upon which the same shall be attached or used, so that the same shall not be used again, under a penalty of $50; or they may be otherwise canceled as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue may prescribe.\
       Violations of these Stamp Duties will be punished as the law directs.