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THERE will be two Eclipses this year,-both of the SUN; and a transit of MERCURY over the Sun's disc.

I.-AN ANNULAR ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, February 23d. Visible to South America and portions of Europe and Africa.
II.-A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, August 18th. Visible to Australia, and portions of Africa and Asia. 
III.-A TRANSIT OF MERCURY, November 5th. Visible to Asia, Africa, Australia, and a portion of South America. 

Morning and Evening Stars.
VENUS will be [[italics]] Evening Star [[/italics]] until July 16th; then [[italics]] Morning Star [[/italics]] the rest of the year.
JUPITER will be [[italics]] Evening Star [[/italics]] till March 10th; then [[italics]] Morning Star [[/italics]] till October 1st; and [[italics]] Evening Star [[/italics]] again the rest of the year.

Movable Fasts and Feasts.
Septuagesima Sunday, Feb. 9 | Low Sunday........April 19
Shrove Sunday.......Feb. 23 | Rogation Sunday.....May 17
Ash Wednesday......Feb. 26 | Holy Thursday.......May 21
First Sunday in Lent, Mar 1. | WHIT SUNDAY.......May 31
Palm Sunday.......April 5 | Trinity Sunday......June 7
Good Friday........April 10 | Advent Sunday......Nov. 29
EASTER SUNDAY...April 12 | CHRISTMAS DAY.....Dec. 25

Chronological Cycles.
Dominical Letters......E, D. | Lunar Cycle or Golden No. 7
Epact....................6 | Roman Indiction........11
Solar Cycle..............1 | Julian Period...........6,581

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[[3 column table]]
Boston.|MOON'S PHASES.|New York.|
|2d..11h.18m. P.M.|...FIRST Q'RTER...|2d ..11h. 6m. P.M.|
|9th.. 6h. 9m. P.M.|....FULL MOON....|9th.. 5h. 57m. P.M.|
|16th.. 0h.20m. P.M.|...LAST Q'RTER...|16th.. 0h. 8m. P.M.|
|24th.. 2h.34m. P.M.|....NEW MOON....|24th.. 2h. 22m. P.M.|

Boston. 1868 New York.
[[11 column table]]
MOON R&S H M|HIGH TIDE. Morn'g H M|Even'g H M|SUN R&S H M|D of M|Day of Week.|D of M|SUN R&S H M|HIGH TIDE. Morn'g H M|Even'g H M|MOON R&S H M|
|11 9|3 28|3 50|r7 30|1|We|1|r7 25|0 13|0 35|11 9|
|morn|4 13|4 27|s4 39|2|Th|2|s4 44|0 58|1 22|morn|
|0 12|5 2|5 29|r7 30|3|Fr|3|r7 25|1 47|2 14|0 11|
|1 16|5 58|6 28|s4 41|4|Sa|4|s4 46|2 43|3 13|1 15|
|2 21|6 58|7 29|r7 30|5|S|5|r7 25|3 43|4 14|2 19|
|3 28|8 0|8 32| s4 43|6|Mo|6|s 48|4 45|5 17|3 25|
|4 37|9 3|9 33|r7 30|7||Tu|7|r7 25|5 48|6 18|4 33|
|5 45|10 3|10 33|s4 45|8|We|8|s4 50|6 48|7 18|5 41|
|rises|11 2|11 30|r7 29|9|Th|9|r7 24|7 47|8 17| rises|
|6 3|11 56|.....|s4 47|10|Fr|10|s4 52|8 41|9 7|6 7|
|7 16|0 22|0 48|r7 29|11|Sa|11|r7 24|9 33|9 59|7 19|
|8 28|1 14|1 39|s4 49|12|S|12|s4 54|10 24|10 49|8 30|
|9 39|2 4|2 28|r7 28|13|Mo|13|r7 28|11 13|11 38|9 40|
|10 47|2 53|3 17|s4 51|14|Tu|14|s4 56|.....|0 2|10 47|
|11 52|3 41|4 6|r7 27|15|We|15|r7 23|0 26|0 51|11 51|
|morn|4 32|4 59|s4 54|16|Th|16|s4 58|1 25|1 44| morn|
|0 55|5 27|5 56|r7 26|17|Fr|17|r7 22|2 12|2 41|0 53|
|1 56|6 24|6 51|s4 56|18|Sa|18|s5 1|3 9|3 35|1 53|
|2 55|7 19|7 48|r7 25|19|S|19|r7 21|4 4|4 33|2 52|
|3 51|8 16|8 42| s4 59|20|Mo|20|s5 3|5 1|5 27|3 47|
|4 44|9 7|9 31|r7 24|21|Tu|21|r7 20|5 52|6 16|4 40|
|5 34|9 55|10 19|s5 1|22|We|22|s5 5|6 40|7 4|5 30|
|6 20|10 41|11 2|r7 23|23|Th|23|r7 18|7 26|7 47|6 16|
|sets|11 22|11 41|s5 3|24|Fr|24|s5 8|8 7|8 26| sets|
|6 9|.....|0 1|r7 21|25|Sa|25|r7 17|8 46|9 6|6 12|
|7 5|0 21|0 40|s5 6|26|S|26|s5 10|9 25|9 44|| 7 7|
|8 3|0 59|1 18|r7 20|27|Mo|27|r7 15|10 3|10 22|8 5|
|9 3|1 37|1 57|s5 8|28|Tu|28|s5 12|10 42|11 2| 9 4|
|10 3|2 17|2 36|r7 18|29|We|29|r7 14|11 21|11 41|10 3| 
|11 4|2 56|3 17|s5 11|30|Th|30|s5 15|.....|0 2|11 3|
|morn|3 39|4 3|r7 16|31|Fr|31|r7 12|0 24|0 48|morn|