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|Boston.|Moon's Phases.| New York.|
|3d..7h. 8m.A.M.|....Full Moon....|3d..6h.56m.A.M.|
|11th..7h.44m.A.M.|...Last Q'rter...|11th..7h.32m.A.M.|
|18th..0h.27m.A.M.|....New Moon....|18th..0h.15m.A.M.|
|24th..8h.3m. P.M.|...First Q'rter...|
|Boston. [Leaf Symbol]1868[Leaf symbol] New York.
|Moon R&S H M|High Tide. Morn'g H M|Even'g H M| Sun R&S H M|D of M|Day of Week.|D of M|Son R&S H M|High Tide. Morn'g|Even'g H M|Moon R&S H M|
|3 12|10  4| 10 28|r4 52|1| Sa|1|r4 57|6 49|7 13|3 16|
|4  4|10 51| 11 12|s7 18|2| S |2|s7 14|7 36|7 57|4  8|
|rises|11 31|11 50|r4 54|3| Mo|3|r4 58|8 16|8 35|rises|
|7 55|.....|  0  8|