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Thursday, January 2.

Cleaning up today somewhat, in the evening went to the [[?fair]] at Horticulture Hall, half decorated.  I saw there an Ingine or Locomotive constructed by a Contraband with a jack knife.  It is certney a wonderful imitation and showed genius.

Everyone Howard and I met me had been together to see "John Brown" at Child's Gallery.  I do not like the parent as licenses, he is blessing instead of kissing the Negro Child. "The bold blue eyes grew tender and the stern harsh face grew mild he has stooped around the jeering ranks to kiss the Negro child"  History notes the acct.

Friday, January 3. 

Writing as hard as ever.  I know not with what success I shall meet but I feel there is a strength in the endeavor which will be of service to me hereafter.

Mr. Richard Greener has gone over some of it with me; but he is cynical and apt to discourage instead of acting otherwise.  He lives in a grand intellectual sphere and is accustom to run only perfection, and can see [[?prayer]] the [[cause?]]