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Wednesday, January 8.

Writing and chewing the end of last evening's memory. I received a long loving letter from W.E.J. I do not know how it will end with us. I think sometimes he might have done more for me when my means were out and thereby I mite have been drawn more dearly to him, but he acted in many occasions so selfishly that the memory of it would mar our happiness if we were married.

Thursday, January 9.

A letter to day from L. telling me all about his see [[?]] and the holidays &c quite interesting which will give me a chance to ventilate Dickens that is if I can   Dickens is as exraictless as the ocean  the great genius of geris[[?]] life and beauty to every period. No one could read his works as he can himself, so thoroughly does he understand them. The moral underlying them is perceptible.
He is the forerunner of the age of better metal. When the poor will not envy the rich nor the rich [[grind up faces?]] at that