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1868 Friday, March 6. Fine morning. I went with L. to see Rev. Henry Ware about the school. I did not meet him, saw Miss Lettie Foster at the Freedmens Rooms. I went home sick. In Eve heard of Hannah Clark's death Poor child not married four months yet. She was married on the 19th of Nov my birth day scarce had the bridal wreath faded when the bride passed away. Requiescat in pace They are distressed to death about her at the house I have been there tonight. It is appalling! 1868 Saturday, March 7. Clear over head but terrible under feet. Mr Fields told me the firm refused to entertain the proposition of reviewing my Book. I was scarcely disappointed. I met Mr Haynes in the street quite unexpectedly. I went to Mrs Clark. Mrs Williams spoke very plainly about the death. All kinds of rumors are afloat in regard to it. Suspicions of foul play are rife. I visited Mrs Carey who had just returned from Charleston also Luckleys.