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Tuesday, March 10.

This morning at Lee & Shephard about the Book. All right there. In the afternoon at Mrs. Howard's Addie gave me Edmonia Lewis' picture. After dinner went to Cambridge to Wm Nells Brown's had quite a pleasant visit there They always treat me so hospitably that I cant help liking them. He seems so honest in his kindly interest in me. I reach home at nine o'clock. A letter from Leedie's at Providence.

Wednesday, March 11.

I received a letter from L to day went to the Freedmens Rooms to see Mr Ware. Miss Lottie Foster conversed very freely with me and showed me a letter of Mrs Child's to her concerning her criticism of "Waiting for the Verdict" Says Mrs Childs "Every quadroon and mulatto bears upon his face the refutation of the instinctive shrinking of the white race from the black."

I am much pleased with Mr. Ware. I answered L.'s letter and sent the one at the Brown's from "Milton Mass" to him. Proceed and deliver early. Sent a letter to Major D.