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Monday, March 30.

To church in the morning in the afternoon Leedie came and spent the after and took me to the Exhibition at the Temple. Shylock was well rendered by Mr Francis. Mr Smith is a good actor. I was agreeably disappointed with the whole performance Addie Howard and Hattie Luckley sat beside me and together we enjoyed ourselves after we went to Miley's for oysters. At home a party of Ladies and gentlemen came and prolonged the enjoyment until the wee hours of morning

Tuesday, March 31.
Went to Publishers and after promenaded in Washington St. met Leedie showed me a letter which he had written - Approved. In afternoon walked over Cambridge to Browns and spent a pleasant time there as usual. L came out for me. Home at 10 p.m. Nothing of importance save having the pleasure of reading Grace Greenwood's "Records of The Years" I was a little disappointed in it. Having seen the collection in her Scrap Book years ago and heard The Lights of The War Cloud delivered by her. Letters from Mrs Ezekials and Green