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Wednesday, April 1.
Peter brought me out of bed early this morning telling me of a package downstairs for me (April fool of course) I sewed all the morning in afternoon as Leedie was to take leave I waited for him all the morning and went to Mrs Howard's where I should have gone insted of waiting for him. He came and went off away I enjoyed my visit to Mrs H and Addie very much. Next to Ms. Pindill's for old Mrs Murray and reached home about ten oclock.

Thursday, April 2.
Clear and beautiful the Fast Day appointed by the Gov of Mass. Of course it is church in the morning and feasting in the aft! I went with Mrs Neuthworth to the Temple to hear Mr Fulton preach. A Minister from Africa was present and spoke also Mr Grimes. Mr Thiel prayed for and spoke most earnestly of the Sec. of War. of his prayerful spirit by AJ's usurpation not as a man under authority but of authority.