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getting there.

I see by Doris' letter that Mr. Holmes got a cold while out on the road. It is too bad that he has them when he starts the road work. I hope he won't have any more, nor you either.

I am rather tired to-night and think I will go to bed early, and perhaps I shall feel like getting up early, but probably I shall be lazy.

I'll bet the baby is more interesting than ever, although I wouldn't mind having her lay her little face against mine as it was when she was a little baby. I remember how very soft it was.

I suppose all of your crocuses are gone by. I saw some here all drooped. I think the cold snap discouraged them.

I walked home from Winchester one night. I saw Lois on my way. She says that Elsa has been operated on, and that Aunt Maud went down to Connecticut to be with the folks. Elsa is home now, though.

Madeline was home with her baby two weeks ago. She is a dear little thing and very good. Gordon and Brian both graduate this year.
Good night,

Transcription Notes:
just need the name in last para. if I'm not mistaken, I think it says Brian