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344 Commonwealth Ave., Boston
Jan. 29, 1930

Dear Folks, 
I came in here the first of the month, intending to go to Bryant and Stratton's for a course in shorthand and typing, but I have been doing other things, and have not as yet started on the course.

I went to some of the different schools asking for tutoring to do, but as yet have received none; but I did get some papers at Northeastern to correct. And for the last few days I have also been doing some letters for Doctor Ott, in connection with the convention which is coming off April 16-18 here in Boston at the Copley Plaza Hotel. 

I supposed that you are making plans for starting out on the road again; but I hope that you won't go while this cold weather hangs on. 

What do you hear from Doris? I supposed that everything is going much the same with her, Sid, and the baby. I hope that none of them has had any colds, either. 

Lawson is collecting tinfoil for the crippled children, which the Masons support. I supposed that it is the same one which Jimmie's friend is collecting for. At any rate, I think that I had rather give it to Lawson that to her; so if you will send it in here, I will send you the postage for it. I went to the P.O. a while ago to inquire about the charge, thinking that I would send the postage when I wrote this time; but I find, on looking up my stamps, that I have not enough left, so will have to send them later.

I thought that I had a lot to write you about, but now that I am actually at it, I don't seem to have too much to say. I guess I got my impression of the amount I had to say from the number of times that I thought that I ought to get around to write you.

Night before last Mrs. Ott and I went over to the Repertory Theater to see Evangeline played. There were many other features also; and they were all unusually good. I have been so disgusted with the moving pictures lately that I have not been for a long time, but if they have a change of heart, as would seem to be indicated by the program put on at the Repertory, I may begin to go again. I think, however, that that theater is an exception in its ideals.

I hope that I shall hear from you soon.
All good wishes, 