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[[top margin]] I got the round robin from Melba, Ethel Putnam, Helen O'Donnell, and Eleanor O'Connell, the Maynard crowd of [[?]] - to-day. [[/top margin]]

13 Pomeworth St., Stoneham, Mass.,
Feb. 8, 1928.

Dear Folks,

The days fly by and I don't seem to do much of any thing, even write to folks. How are you? I hope that the rapid heat and cold changes haven't given you any colds. The radio is going down stairs and I hear the words. "Water snakes, copper heads, snakes, snakes, snakes."

Did you see an account of the banquet given by the B.U. Women's Graduate Club at the Copley Plaza Hotel Monday night? Mrs. Andrew telephoned me an invitation. I didn't have a dress to wear, so she told me to go in town and buy one and charge to her. I did so, I got a pea-green, heavy crêpe de chine. It was surpliced, trimmed with accordion plaiting, with skirt plaited all around [[image]] It is much admired by all who  see it. I don't think the picture does it justice. It is the "Oaken Bucket" and some other tune now - apparently a medley. I wonder if you are listening in to the same station.

I am enjoying my courses very much. I only wish the days were 2 or 3 times as long so I could get in more work. About all I do now is get up and go to bed and putter around.

Transcription Notes:
. surplice = having a diagonally overlapping neckline