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I am glad that Doris is getting along so well.  Now that spring is coming, perhaps it will be easier for everybody.  I am having a vacation this week.  Miss Garland went home, so I am having a lovely time having things my own way.  I am cooking, eating, sewing, washing, shampooing, writing, figuring, reading and visiting down stairs.  Mrs. Pettengill invited me to dinner with them yesterday, and afterward I stayed on most of the afternoon.  Wednesday I think I shall go in town.  To-morrow I'll have another good, quiet day here.

I hope that you didn't get all tired out shoveling paths and keeping the furnace going during this storm.  I am sorry for people who don't have the means of keeping warm such weather.  It was bad enough here, but worse in other places, I judge from reports.

A week ago Saturday I went to Cambridge for my exam.  I guess I did all right on it.  It consisted of making out a Simon-Binet test blank, and a ten field personality sheet from data given.  It would have been easy had his sheet of directions given the same name and dates the material did.  As it didn't, I got suspicious, a mistake had been made.  The girl was too, but couldn't find a sheet corresponding to the name given, so I went ahead and tried to do