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reddish looking fellow at first glance, but he may be entirely different upon closer acquaintance.

I went to church to-day and have been reading. Now I am going to write a card to Jimmie and one to Brownie, also send the latter $3.00 for Alpha Delta Pi dues. I have not paid before for I didn't know when but if they are willing to call it square, I am. I may later pay some back dues even, but I don't know.

Yesterday I fixed up my old winter coat and tried out Mr. Hodgess's snowshoes which, however, were not tight enough on my feet for good walking. If I thought I should surely stay north, I believe I would get some of my own.

I am enclosing a check of $5.00 which I wanted to give you at the beginning of the year. I am ahead again now on my checking account. Best wishes, Doris - Isn't that funny! I was thinking of Doris and about writing to her and so got her name signed instead of my own. Lena

[26 Feb. 1922]
Sunday Evening
Dear Folks:
Two little girls, one four, the other about eight are standing beside the table, one writing and the other about to. Myrtle and a younger baby were here a short time ago too. The three extra ones are Mrs. Hodgess's brother's children. Myrtle has not got over those sores yet and her father's face is very badly broken out with them now. I think the mother is running a risk by bringing her children here. Grandmother Hodgess and her family are quite disgusted to think Mrs. H. ran Myrtle into them and poor Mrs. H. is having such a bad time trying to keep
[[left margin]] This is some of my Christmas paper. I thought I might work some of it off on you, and you wouldn't care. [[/left margin]]