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{Do not read aloud.  Do not read aloud.}
I was in to see Mrs. Ott and the doctor last Saturday.  She inquired for Mr. Holmes.  I told her about his worrying about having to go away, and she suggested not trying to argue with him about it, but just saying, "Well, if you do, I'll go with you."  I hope, however, that he has got over thinking anything of the sort, and certainly you don't want to set him to doing it again if he has.  It is good for him that he has you with him, even though it is hard for you to see him in such an unhappy frame of mind.  I do hope that as time goes on he will grow more contented and happy.
{Do not read aloud}

I am glad that Mrs. Gilzer is neighborly.  It makes it a little easier for you to have someone to run in and visit with you.  Does Mr. Holmes come down to see Ralph and Maud when they come?  Tell Maud that I will send her some poppy seeds like those I gave her last year.

I suppose by this time you have received little Doris' picture.  How do you like it?

Do you take the daily paper?  I hope that you do.  It will help you pass the time.

I saw my first flock of grackles to-day.  I may have seen a single one or two before;  I am not sure, but to-day's was the first flock of the season anyway.  Now I will close this and get it into the mail.  

Love and the best of wishes to you both,