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ought to have got out the girls all shouted 10-45, etc.  She was somewhat taken aback but they kept up their jabber for some time before she could quiet them.  We teachers are calling ourselves fools for standing things as we do.  The men and girls from Squantum & Fore River all marched by the school and the girls would rush in bodies to the windows.  It was impossible to keep them at work and there they could see other school children marching & having a good time.

I don't believe I shall be out this week but do be good to yourselves.

As ever

Wednesday Evening

Dear Folks:

It is now bed time but I am going to get a word or two off to you.  Yesterday as I suppose you know we had a holiday but I went in town just the same, Miss L. not having told us not to appear.  The papers had said to dismiss early Monday even. but she had kept right through 3.30.  As no teachers appeared I hung around with a number of Girls for a while and then told them I guessed they had better go home.  Then I went downtown.  The place seemed