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Thursday Evening.

Dear Folks:

My heel cushions and the address came through duly.  Many thanks.

Asa Fancy, the boy whose picture you have, came in on the Mount Vernon.  I got a postal from him Saturday saying he expected to disembark sometime that day.  I wrote him a special delivery letter which he got Monday, I judge from what he wrote in his next letter, but as it was not dated I could not tell exactly.  He had looked for me up at Ayers Sunday and wanted me to come up Tuesday.  I was not feeling well all last week so doubt if I could very well have gone but if I had thought of it and thought that he would have been expecting me, I might have gone just the same.  Tuesday of course it was out of the question, so I merely sent him another special asking him to telephone or write me when I could see him either down here or up there and what he wanted to do.  I have not heard as yet, but see by the papers they are to begin mustering out to-morrow and as Date had a western friend he wanted me to meet I am a little anxious about the whole matter, for I hate terribly to disappoint the youngsters.  He telephoned his father and mother and talked with several members of his family just after he arrived, but his father was ill in bed with rheumatism, so he couldn't talk with him.