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might be, said she thought it might be good if we could hear it. She hadn't much more than spoken before he soft-pedalled so much that we failed to hear all right. It struck us rather sillily. And then my bones ached from sitting on hard seats so long that I got the wiggles. Altogether it was a relief to get home.

Sunday I breakfasted with the Hodgesses, went to church and then to dinner with the Coles after which, it was so late that I had to take my walk in the dark. The whole, glorious day was spent inside for the most part so I think that I shall have to fast next time and stay outside. 

Saturday night it rained hard so I spent the evening with the Coles playing cards.

Next Saturday I plan to see "Hamlet" at the Boston Opera House. I may stay with Daisy all night. I have not heard anything from the dye house concerning my coat.

How is your knee getting on? I have got your cuff links. They gave me a new set. If I can find a box that I think won't crush, I am going to send them on to you.

Last Saturday I got up to school about 7-30 and got away about 5-30, taking about