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if I should go to the station. He told me to talk with her first, but she is of the hag type and so I left her and went down to the station. I am wondering if they will notify me who the owner is or if I shall have to find out from the City in some way.

My electric iron came to-night but I don't suppose lady S. will let me use it if she knows it unless I pay another 50ยข, but I am going to if I want to and lock my door while I do it. I think she has a crust when I am 


holiday for me. I am rather looking forward to it. I hope I shall get some of my reading and notes done. My thesis comes due May 15. I haven't done anything on any of it yet.

The doctor I went to last night has 14 cases of influenza and wanted to know if I wanted some virus to take against it. I asked him what it was and he said germs. I told him that germs were just what I didn't want. He is having it injected and says lots of doctors are. I hate to do it though.

Well I guess I could jabber all night so will stop here as it is.

Love, Lena.