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Stoughton Jan 15th 1935

Dear Folks

A cold morning 2° above after a very cold windy day. our bad winter weather began Sunday night when we were visited with several inches of snow, which fell thick and fast, covering everything & leaving in its wake a very white world. it was over when she came home. but Monday after early morning it grew cold after the wind came up it blew a gale all day. blowing the snow from trees & things, then the sun went in, it was a leaden sky with snow every where blowing a gale. today is still and the sun shines, but cold outside. the radio says it will remain cold all day. I hope you escaped the blast. Sunday they rung in an alarm but was easily handled some where on Summer St. chimney fire We have had a good many so far. I am feeling safer when it rains or with things covered with snow. I had nothing else to do Sunday when I was here alone so cleared out the table in the front room there was even money among the rubbish that I found scattered among the papers & letters, a 2 1/2 gold piece in a little pocket folder 

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