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I am gradually losing grounds (nerves). I am growing old. dont worry about any more bedspreads. I have got more now than I shall ever use, sheets, pillow cases, towels, everything any mortal can ever use in a lifetime. I shall have them left for you to use up. I fail to take interest as I used to before my home was broken up. now its waiting + longing to go. I am ready. I think you do everything that any one can for my good. I hope you will send the pattern for your slip + the dress goods you speak of, so I can have them to work on occassionally do them both by machine very easily. Lena also sent paper + envelopes and eight post cards. she gave Mrs. Osbourne a string of black + white beads but mine that Sidney found were nicer looking. We are following the Lindberg trial. I cant wait for the paper to come, we get over the radio also. we did not get the Presidents speech. I hope to get the morning paper when I can. we are going to have a change in temperature before morning. I have enjoyed this mild weather very much. I dont believe in this weather being unhealthy. it was the icy going I dread glad the snow + ice melted I was glad to see it go. I was glad to see Lena and wish she lived nearer. Jimmie enjoys her visits.  it does her good to go there also. Lena has no home ties. the two sisters cannot mingle they are not congenial. theres nothing selfish about Lena. their father was intemperate. the children were made delicate therein. they were the ones to suffer he died with consumption + so did she. 