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Lena gave me some postal cards so I could use if I did not feel able to write a letter, or got out of postage stamps. The letter carrier failed to take my letters Saturday, he had no mail for me, so went right over across by the house. just then "honey boy" as we call our baker, came with our bread. we asked him to take it to the office. he said he would and so not to forget it, he would put it next to his heart, in his pocket. he is always joking & full of fun its a pity there were not more people like him. I am at work on my bed quilt. do a little at a time (?) it. the reaching tires me so I only go at it by shells. I love to do it. but am not as strong as I used to be. be sure not to send any more long cloth. there's a big bundle left from making. those last summer ones. The ice is thawing so much it may melt + make it less dangerous about getting around. the seen is clouding in the radio says rain to night. all of Kidders children are down with whooping cough he has had grifs from taking care of them so much nights. the baby three years old. came near having pneumonia. its the wrong time of the year to have it. the oldest boy caught it in school. The sun is just going down four O'clock. another hour before dark. the days are lengthing out. I guess Myrtie is not coming to call too slippery I guess. She is wise. There is no sign of rain now guess its going to be a change in weather about time hope you are all well Mu 

Transcription Notes:
transcription mistakes likely.