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much but I am getting used to it in a way. George Mc Garvey came over to see about cutting down an elm tree the roots of which were filling up his sespool [[cesspool]], partly on him & partly on me so I told him to go ahead & cut it down & any of the others that were interfering with him, he thanked me heartily & went off happy - every body is good to me. I have just called up Anna she has'nt [[hasn't]] got over goind [[going]] up to take care of Jonnie before he died. is tired & has some woman to stay there with her. Most she says is going to miss him a lot. could not go the funeral the excitement would have been too much, he has to be careful. Anna is coming up some time to talk with me by & bye. she is worried I guess about him what would they do without each other. no children to care for them we never miss our mercies until they are lost to us, & don't appreciate them while we have them. A funny world. I look forward to the next where in all my treasures lie, but as long as I can do a little & dont suffer any more than now, I will try to drag on 'till my time comes, for we are a long time dead. A pretty sunset. I hope its pleasant tomorrow & not so cold, the wind makes it worse. we had a piece of squash for dinner Xmas so I did not like the taste & made it into a pie. the pie I like, its the best thing I have had yet & eat it all by myself, she dont like squash, it hurts her funnie. my hen is lasting a long time everything is the same. her appetite is poor & mine is not much better. she shares with me in everything she brings home & is very sensitive Ma she loves the radio. those pieces did her good & me the same we were pleased.