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PS The day opens with clear sunshiney weather, so I am glad to see decent day at last. Ma

Stoughton Dec23rd 1934

Dear Doris

A Snow storm & today is cloudy, with a snowy feeling atmosphere, yesterday the doctor came up to take me down for a treatment, it was raining, but it turned to snow & left us with a white covering, which makes it icy, it may stay on till after Xmas with some more added. the children are having great coasting on the stand pipe hill. I was telling Dr Brides coming home about Fred Stickney, how he took such good care of his mother & Father. then in the winter after, he had a cold which turned into pneumonia. his sister Mamie took care of him three days & on the fourth she refused to wash his face & hands & told him he could do it himself. after the Dr had said he must not get up out of his bed. so Bertha Longdon got him the basin & washed him & Mamie cleared out. it struck Brides pity & he said he would see if he would do to take the care of his men patients when he had them, as long as he is a graduate nurse. Mrs Longdon says he is away now. the Stickney place is all out of repair no heat & no bath, but is for sale. she says its full of Mrs Stickneys hordings [[hoardings]]. even money she hid up in the registers. Charley