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she was just the same & took the same it was something we eat & it did not agree I suppose. we get more sun on the porch & in the house since that tree was sawed down. I wish that homely old white oak was also down she will never have it down as long as she lives though it hangs over us mostly & it is a homely tree I am sorry Sid is bothered with his teeth again. it seems to bad nothing turns out right in these times I had a letter from Lena yesterday she is not a bit well & her home is too noisy for her they are young folks & run the radio 'till midnight & all day. she is going to Jimmies for thanksgiving. I pity Lena I wish she could have some where to live where it is agreeable to her or die & and be out of trouble, there is no living for people now a days. I hope you are feeling better than you did & glad you take comfort in your drawing lessons. I guess little Doris is getting acquainted all right at school & likes going. she will learn to mingle & not overdue [[overdo]] in her trying to get with her little companions at school a little restraint through eagerness is what she will learn