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Stoughton Nov 23rd, 1934

Dear Folks,
We are booked for a stormy day. the moon so far has kept us dry. I sent along the aprons the day they were finished, which was Wednesday afternoon. You must have got them before the end of the week sure. I am still making patchwork. I have got enough pieces all cut out for two quilts or more, enough to spare. We have had so far a wonderful fall. The little birds were very plenty this morning around the yard. There are no berries and they may go hungry before winter is through if we don't feed them some. I guess people also will fare the same way. Bill & Flossie were here last night to see their ma. he is discouraged he works over here at Belchers but they don't work there enough to pay for driving his car over here. things are in a terrible state no work & food prices soaring.