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Have just found the letter with directions for making the dresses & aprons. so dont worry. will do the best I can.
Stoughton Nov 18th 1934
Dear Folks.
This is a very pleasant Saturday. sunny the wind south. I am writing this letter out on the porch in the sun. the band is playing down in the square. it seems summerish. one of the Norfork lumber man called yesterday to see Sidney thinking he would find him here. he stayed here an hour & a half talking on every subject he could think of. he had four boys, his wife is dead, they do their own work. she died four years ago. he lives in the old Deacon house on Prospect Street. I got tired of hearing him, although he was a good talker & quite young. Loaper came also he found I had my storm windows they had been put on. he said he had been down to the shore six weeks making a rock garden for a man. Jack was out in the car waiting for him. he says he rides around with him a great deal. he takes care of Jack and dresses and