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much as time goes on. I guess many do. he helped others. I was called up by Dr Brides to go down to be treated yesterday. due to your letter, as Miss O Brine said. they both came for me & took me to North Stoughton as he is committe [[committee]] for the Armistice ball which is tonight & he had an errand for someone down to North Stoughton he was much disappointed over election as we all were. Bacon is an old friend of the doctors & comes out here often to see him. he knows Curly also & says he pretends to be a friend of the working man, but he is not. they will find him out to their sorrow when too late. well I went down with Maude & her children to vote they are good to me. I thought it was no use. I am feeling well to day but I dont think its worth while spending good money over me at my time of life. but never mind, I will try not to fall & trust to [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] God to do the rest hoping he does as I wish & pray for  Ma