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My legs are all healed up & I am over my cold. my cough made my side very lame, but it is all righ [[right]] now. I pity any one who has the cold they are hard to shake take care the police dog dont get your cat. I am going to try the new pillows two of them tonight. I worked hard to fill them & wash each tick boiled them out so they are clean. it was bringing them on off the line that I fell. it was just just a warning. thats [[that's]] all. Ma

Stoughton November 2nd 1934

Dear Doris
Our cold weather came after yesterdays rain, the sun as it set last night was red as blood. so this morning the ground froze when our therm went down to 29° & it was this morning that Gregory Colcord came with his father to put on the outside windows the old man I invited in it was too cold for him to remain out as it was awful windy & his son came in after a little while to warm his fingers so I set them both down to hot coffee in the kitchen which they both seemed to appreciate they both set inside talking an hour before he went out to finish the job. & before they went off Mary French came she stayed to dinner & went away about three to call on Lilly Dutton. she never has been here before to any meal, nor I to her house since we were married.

Transcription Notes:
The Colcords are mentioned in other letters.