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own affairs like the rest of the neighbors. Mrs Ring says the Ballentines have plenty of recreation, she thinks her family have had hard luck this summer + asked me if I knew Georges mother had died I wonder if she thought she was going to live to be a hundred; she was 95. Lena is very much with the Rings, they never have been here since Arthur died or expressed any sorrow over how I am left sort of helpless they dont know or care how others fare selfishness is their complaint. 
A great many will go to the shore to be there over the fourth & am wondering if Ralph has let his cottage down to Nantucket this year. their grand child takes up their attention to an easy child to take care of not nervous, a great help to its bringing up. certainly the grand parents have seen their share of trouble  hope this child will be a comfort to them both. the store keeper down to the corner store has died, Harry Putnam he was good. every body liked him. his only daughter married the week before I think they carry on the store just the same. Mort goes there to trade Anna is miserable, she dont seem to get back her strength he says. Coreta Marden stopped on her way home from Hummerock (Marion Estens) for Mrs Barry to go home to supper with her. She found us eating our supper. she was going to be home by his lonesome & dreaded it poor thing. she is a good woman and has been through lots of trouble, she is young + may marry again + by happier. hope so. she is going to work in the appariel store this week she has been there before. Ma