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Stoughton June 21st 1935

Dear Folks

Our hot weather was of short duration after our thunder shower it turned cold & has been so ever since we have had lots of heavy rain. now the things are coming along fine. I never saw the plants & vegetation look in much better condition. The grass around the old place was cut a fortnight ago by someone who wanted it last year so told him he might have it this year. but also said he could have it around this house they were little boys who came to ask me so as they did not come for it think they failed to understand it somehow and left my own uncut. I may take the big shears or sycle & trim it after it gets dry. I am going to have a baked haddoc for dinner we have not had anything this week so far from the market. she had bologny given her over to Mrs Burrels with all those vegetables and it lasted the week. I had poached egg on toast. she is going down to pay the electric light bill & so will get a chicken or fowl. she was downtown to the Chickitawbut [[Chickatawbut]] dinner yesterday afternoon. where she was invited by her friends Mrs Gebheart & Careta. they are coming here some