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Evening to sing to me + she will make a cake get an ice cream from down town as a treat. They are a jolly esowd & she is very very fond of their society they worship her. Jabbot heard her sing her solo down to the church & Petes wife said he was so tired he about tumbled off his scat & said he hoped she would sing another. she did & I was full of pep `I  pleases everybody. she knows Slōughton people & they are crazy over her. they meet her with outstretched arms. I guess the place suits her its more wide awake than Holbrook she thinks. I hope by now your hot weather has lit up a. a fire here seems good.this far all but a fern days has been cool. I am trying to get my letter written before the mall mare arrives. her Romeo along anytime now. I had a letter from Weary French this week she writes often I wish she lived nearer as sometimes I feel like having someone of my own flesh & blood nearer. most everyone is dead & gone of the old gang. Mrs D’jreffen told me Hattie Smith was harming her hands full between her husband and seeing to the store & her house. he is miserable. Peall her up occasionally but she is having her time now we all we all hear it sooner or later. the little letter was very cute. her own composition serve.