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                           Stoughton June 16th, 1935

Dear Folks,
        We had a good shower yesterday afternoon, with three very near dashes of lightning, so we felt very skittish + the rain came down in torrents after the bolts. but it was quick over. All day the humidity was something dreadful. I felt languid + did not stir much. feeling a shower was near at hand, but today it was just a glorious feeling day. I have just got my clothes on the line in the sunshine + after two this afternoon she is going over to Jbolbrook[?], the folks who are buying her house are coming over after her. they were here yesterday morning + told her that Laurence refuses to give up the keys to the house so as they were moving in, she let them have her key + one of her neighbors a true friend of hers, was over here to see her + he advised her to make a list of her things. she has had lit [?] to go to another party, she considers her friend. + get them to sign the paper. her furniture is very valuable, they know it. I think they show a grasping disposition, want every thing in fact. if she could sell her thing for what they are worth it would bring her a big sum but she cannot. 

Transcription Notes:
I wasn't able to tell when he was using commas or periods at certain points. Some words were underlined in the passage. I was unsure of the transcription of some of the words, so they have a question mark to the right of them.